Course Syllabus

Course Basic Information


Course Title: Intro to Canvas for Faculty


Office Email:  (preferred communication method is Canvas)

Start Date:

End Date:

Office Address: 


Course Description


This course is designed for instructors who have never used the Canvas learning management system or who are just getting started. By the end of the course you should have a basic understanding of the Canvas tool set and be ready to begin using Canvas with your classes - regardless of whether you intend to teach online fully or simply move a portion of your activities and lectures online.

Specifically, upon the completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Navigate within Canvas, and customize the user profile, navigation options and course display.
  2. Describe and effectively utilize available support and resources
  3. Communicate effectively, using the Canvas communication tools.
  4. Create, add and organize course content and materials
  5. Provide assessment opportunities, monitor progress and provide feedback on student work and activities
  6. Import course content to a Canvas course, transfer content from one course to another, and export content out of Canvas

    For a description of course and module level learning outcome alignment, click here.

Grading Policy

  • You will see a course announcement board once each assignment has been graded. For example, you might see an announcement saying “Assignment #5 has been graded. Please check your grade and let us know if you have questions.” So, unless you see an announcement, do not worry about not seeing your grade.
  • This course is graded using a pass/fail system. Each assignment has its own rubric and a grade will be earned upon the completion of each assignment. If you pass you will receive full points for the assignment.  If you earn more than 160 points out of the 200 total, you will pass the class.
  • You may ask and receive an extension on an assignment, only once during the training period. If you receive an extension on an assignment, the assignment may be turned in until the agreed upon time without penalty.
  • All assignments are due before midnight on the deadline date.
  • You must complete all assignments on time to receive a Pass grade. All assignments are due on or BEFORE the scheduled due date and time.
  • If an emergency arises and you cannot submit the assignment on or before the due date, you MUST give notification to the instructor NO LESS THAN 24 HOURS BEFORE the due date.

Grading Scale


Pass: 160 points or higher

Fail: Less than 160 points


Rules for Communication Etiquette

  • If you have any questions about the course, please post them to the Ask Questions Here discussion topic located under Support and Resources module. I will monitor this discussion topic closely. If other class members know the answer to your question(s), they should feel free to respond. I prefer communication via the discussions because it is important for the entire class to see all conversations related to course materials and activities. You will get a quicker response when you post a question to a forum as I have our notification preferences set to check them more frequently than inbox messages.
  • For questions of a more personal nature, you may email me via the Canvas inbox. If Canvas is not available or there is an emergency, please send email to    . I will respond to your email messages within 24 hours (Monday through Friday). So, for example; if you email me at 3 PM on Friday, I will respond before 3 PM on Monday.

Technical Support and Student Preparation

  • The only prerequisite skills and preparation required for this course are that the student must be able to navigate a web-based application, speak the English language and have sufficiently modern equipment and Internet access in order to access the course.
  • For technical support, click the orange Help button in the upper, right corner of your screen and then choose from the available options.


Disability Statement

  • If you have a disability, your campus Special Services Office may be able to help you with reasonable accommodation. If you need assistance, please contact the Special Services Office at your hiring institution.  If necessary they will contact the instructor of this course.  Please do not hesitate to also include or notify the instructor of this course.


Assignment/Quiz Schedules

  • Please see the list of assignments and due dates listed below.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due