GHC ctcLink Student Course
Welcome to ctcLink Student Self-Service.
Course Overview
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts, terminology, and steps required for using Student Self-Service
For additional materials and information please visit the GHC ctcLink Student Resource page.
Course Description
Student Self-Service offers functionality that enables you to have access to information and transactions over the internet.
The Student Homepage is a collection of tiles that you select to access specific transactions. Selecting a tile on a homepage opens the corresponding transaction.
This course is intended for students of GHC.
Course Objectives
After successfully completing this course you will have a basic understanding of the fundamental ctcLink components and processes within the Student Homepage.
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Set up your user preferences and personalize your Homepage.
- View the Student Homepage Profile tile to update Personal Information such as name, email address, phone number, address, emergency contacts, ethnicity information, and privacy restrictions.
- Review the Student Homepage Tasks tile to view and update holds and to-do list items (service indicators and checklists).
- View and use Message Center.
- Use the Student Homepage Manage Classes tile to manage enrollments and class schedule (add, drop, swap, search for classes, browse course catalog, view my classes, use shopping cart, enroll by my requirements, manage class planner).
- Review and Understand the Student Homepage Academic Progress tile to understand academic progress and academic advisement information, apply for graduation and view graduation status.
- Review the Student Homepage Academic Records tile to view course history, grades and transcripts.
- Use the Student Homepage Financial Aid tile to access and view financial aid data for a given year, view awards summary and accept or decline financial aid.
- Review the Student Homepage Financial Account tile to view student financial account information and make payments.
Course Facilitation
If you have any issues with this course, please contact the GHC Information Technology Services Help Desk.
Browsers and Technical Requirements
Chrome is the recommended browser for Canvas. Firefox and Safari will work as well.
For additional information regarding technical requirements, check the Canvas LMS requirements page.
Get Started!
Select the Modules link from the left navigation to begin.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |